Explore Your Student Town on a Student Budget

University: It’s that tricky time in our lives when we’re all trying to grow as people and expand our ever thirsty brains whilst still having to survive as students on an increasingly shrinking budget.  Luckily, there is a way to combine our thirst for knowledge with our lack of funding.  Here are just a few ideas of how I managed budget fun in Bath!

The good news is, as a UNESCO world heritage site and one of the most frequently visited cities by tourists in the UK,  Bath has many attractions that people come from all over the world to see.  The even better news is, many of these are completely free!  Even on my university campus with the recent opening of a new arts centre, The Edge, I managed to that find basic ‘culture’ is never far away.

Who knew that a whole gallery of art could be waiting behind these walls…

I was recently in the Edge having a coffee whilst attempting to do some work towards that all important degree when I noticed the welcoming bright lights coming out from the gallery just across from me.  It occurred to me then that despite spending a sizeable amount of time in the arts centre, I had never actually taken the opportunity to look inside these galleries.  On an impulse, that had no link to my increasing procrastination attempts, I decided to take the opportunity to peruse the 3 galleries. I was pleasantly surprised, on being ushered into the gallery by a moustached artistic type with a torch, to be met not by an array of late victorian paintings or block canvases of colour (as can be so typical of low budget galleries) but by a huge open room the like of which I had no idea existed on campus and a huge projector screen showing a piece titled ‘The Gain Line’.  Though the piece was not entirely to my liking, I appreciated it for what it was and was fascinated by the fact that this had been around on campus for over 2 months but I had not once thought to view it!  I continued on to the next two galleries and was equally surprised and delighted by their respective contents.

Just one of the many free art galleries dotted about Bath 

My findings in the Edge led me to think more about what was available for free in Bath and sparked an impromptu culturally driven visit into town with some friends.  I was thrilled to be able to enjoy a day full in Bath spending only £3.65 on a coffee!  We firstly observed the Holborn’s varying collection, from late Elizabethan spoons to an original Benozzo Gozzoli and were able to even just flick our library cards in the general direction of the staff to gain free entry into the special exhibition where the public were required to pay £8. We later had the chance to look inside the less assuming (though more centrally located if you’re not into walking) Victoria Art gallery.  Again we were able to see the exhibition for free.  This time a collection of Kurt Jackson originals, an exhibition that I throughly enjoyed but received some criticism from others.  This prompted me to look on the Victoria art gallery’s website to see some of the other upcoming exhibitions which I would be interested in seeing.

The Will Jeffrey Band Oxjam Notts
Free experiences don’t have to be limited to the day time, have a look at free entrance to evening events in your area too!

However, despite the surprising amount of art available for free in Bath, this is not the only form of culture ready for us students to freely exploit.  Obviously the Roman Baths is a must, the ability to arrogantly flash your UoB student card whilst those around you are paying a good £14 for one ticket never gets old.  Furthermore it is just embarrassing to live in Bath and not have seen the Baths.  In addition the music scene in Bath is often very vibrant, especially with the newly established MusicSoc.   I was recently able to enjoy an evening at Molloy’s listening to a wide range of excellent bands without even bringing my purse. I also attended the highly praised ‘OxJam’ festival in early October, again an event I would thoroughly recommend!

Bath is just one example of a beautiful UK city that has a huge amount to offer often for a small budget.  Whether you’re into art or music, sport or history, it is very likely that your town will have events on to keep you busy whilst not having to break the bank.

So next Sunday when you are just sitting around, watching Netflix, don some shoes and consider making the short journey into town in search of discovering something new!

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